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distribution points中文是什么意思

用"distribution points"造句"distribution points"怎么读"distribution points" in a sentence


  • 配销点


  • Ff fiber distribution point
  • Fiber distribution point
  • Over 80 shops in shenzhen and over 200 distribution points in the guangdong province
  • Hub - a signal distribution point for part of an overall system
    分支- -整个系统各部分的信号分布点,较大的有线系统通常使用多路分支。
  • A woman and child carry drinking and cooking water from a distribution point back to their tent
  • Termination and distribution point for all incoming signals . provides monitoring , processing and coordination capabilities
  • Each of the partitioned crls is available for public access at a location ( url ) specified in the " crl distribution points " field of each certificate issued
    公众可于在证书的证书撤销清单分发点( crldistributionpoint )栏位内注明的位址( url )获取相关的分割式证书撤销清单。
  • Rio , which has one of the world ' s highest murder rates , was rocked by violence last week as rival drug gangs fought for control of drug distribution points in city slums
    里约热内卢市拥有世界上最高的谋杀率,上个周又遭到了暴力行为的震撼? ?两帮贩毒团伙在城市的贫民区为争夺对毒品分散据点的控制权展开械斗。
  • Nomination forms can be obtained via the official website www . 1000peacewomen - hk . org or several local distribution points details as attached . the deadline for nominations is 25 july 2004
    繁简体中文或英文提名表格可在网页www . 1000peacewomen - hk . org下载或亲身前往派发点索取资料详见附页,截止提名日期为2004年7月25日。
  • At the same time , this project can be also used in strategic organizing , to assist in judging the resource demands ; when a specific distribution point has operation needs , the number of vehicles needed in service routes can be decided in advance according to a weekly cycle of main shift schedule
用"distribution points"造句  
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